The Great Paradox


Last year we discussed the concept of ‘Truth’ at the time of Holy week. This year we should take time to think about the next most compelling concept of… Justice. However, we cannot discuss Justice without being dragged into another compelling principle…Mercy. These two concepts are inseparably intertwined so that you cannot bring one up without considering the other. That, for human beings, constitutes an irreconcilable paradox. Absolute justice is completely opposed to any consideration of absolute mercy and conversely Mercy refutes and undercuts absolute Justice. To a human mind that imperatively leads to what we should call relative justice and relative mercy, where each of the contradictory concepts is tempered by the other. This leaves the door open to many problems. Because it leads to a subjective judgment of what is acceptable and what is extreme, what is fair and kind and what is unjust and cruel. What seems like a just and merciful law to a group of people, is outright grievous and belligerent to others. Look at the modern day animal rights movement. They want to ban killing animals for feeding humans, and attack research laboratories burning and ransacking them. They like to equate the rights of dogs to the rights of man while at the same time they confuse the notion of fairness with the perception of kindness. On an abstract intellectual level, some might find a plausible argument for these ideas – minus the violence of course – but on a practical level, the majority of people will find these practices absurd and repugnant even if they sympathize with the general idea of fairness to animals. Nobody should advocate cruelty to animals, but in the same time, the majority of humans would not agree to consider themselves equal to dogs and hyenas!

You shall never find a single issue, where all humanity will agree, on the boundaries that make it just or kind. It was like that from the dawn of history and it gets even more complicated and convoluted with scientific and technical progress as well as the advancement of a wide range of philosophies and new age belief systems. Indeed, this paradox is at the bottom of every war, every conflict and every disagreement between individuals, families, tribes or nations.

To further explain the complexity of the matter, let us examine what is justice. In extremely simple terms, Justice demands punishment for wrongdoing and reward for proper achievement. That is where it becomes hairy. Who is to say that any behavior is right or wrong? Killing a Christian to some people is the ultimate achievement, which qualifies the perpetrator to receive ownership of seventy virgins in eternity. Snatching the wealth of a rich man – by law or by stealing it – in order to give it to poor people seems like a lofty goal of ‘merciful justice’ to those who practice it. They even have the audacity to claim that this is what happened (and approved) in the Bible at the time of the apostles. Of course they like to forget (or ignore) a little detail, that at the time of the apostles, people gave up their belongings and their wealth out of their own free will and were never forced into doing anything by anybody. It is abundantly clear that justice in the human mind is a flexible concept. You can stretch it to fit your purposes and therefore it becomes a painful expression of the changeable attitudes of humanity at the time and place where it is applied. Justice in Egypt, is different from justice in Saudi Arabia, or the Netherlands or Brazil. You may also examine how justice was practiced in the USA generation after generation to see the metamorphosis of a system that bears little semblance now to the way it began centuries ago.

Of course we can analyze this forever, but that is not the purpose of this expose, so (let’s have mercy) and move to discuss mercy. Defining mercy is rather elusive. Is it mercy when a mother does not punish her son for stealing the neighbor’s chicken? Is it mercy to let a student pass the test even though his answers wouldn’t warrant it? Is it mercy to help a person commit suicide for any economical or political expediency? Again, some people will find an intellectual argument to defend this desperately, while others will feel sick at its absurdity. Human reasoning is so clever in shaping and bending, forming and deforming all kinds of justifications for human behavior. That is why human reasoning is incapable to grasp the concept of absolute justice or absolute mercy, let alone having a possible way to reconcile the two seemingly antagonistic principles.

Enters, Golgotha…

Absolute Justice and absolute Mercy are among the many absolute attributes of the one Omnipotent God. The scene at Golgotha speaks of absolute justice and absolute mercy satisfied to perfection. That is the reason why so many human beings find it very hard to understand or accept Golgotha, because they try to approach it with human reasoning. Nevertheless, when you realize that even the heavenly hosts were awestruck by the events unfolding before them while they were forbidden to interfere, you can see how far more difficult it is for humans to comprehend the cosmic event taking place at that particular point of time. This indeed is the ultimate display of the power of the Divine. It is an irrefutable proof that “to God, nothing is impossible”

The required task was to reconcile Justice, with Mercy while at the same time preserving the important principles of freewill of humankind. Only God in his infinite wisdom could accomplish such task. When you think of an illustrious and complex human achievement, like the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, deciphering the human genome or cranial cell communication, you casually waive it aside as the realm of a few humans who can “decode these things.” You don’t stop to think how one human brain can see through these mysteries while another human brain cannot. You take it for granted that a human being like Mozart could be endowed with creativity to produce such music as “the coronation Mass” or the “requiem” while other humans cannot even comprehend its supreme beauty. If human beings can reach such heights of intellect – which is, in fact, given them by the Divine – and yet fall short of the unbound wisdom and power of God, how can you expect human beings to understand and analyze the reasoning of God and his plans and his methods? It is only possible to conclude that those select few chosen by the Divine will be able to accept and comprehend how there is no such thing as impossible to God… This very fact has been made extremely evident and simplified at Golgotha for anyone who wants to see it. That is probably one of the reasons, why God demanded that we return to be as children so that it would be possible for us to enter into his glory. Because only if we strip ourselves of the shackles of human reasoning, that we can penetrate the unimaginable depth of divine providence. Not too many people can do that.

Is it any wonder now in the twenty first century that we see the same crowd of humans surround the Cross of Christ? It is the same representative sample of humanity across different time spans all over the globe. The believers are in disarray, yet steadfastly asking for deliverance and forgiveness from a seemingly weakened dying Christ… while a large army of enemies, boastful, more powerful and by far more numerous, is surrounding them…taunting and tormenting them…declaring that they have no valid hope in their Crucified Christ. Many believers now, like then, fell back and lost their faith. Many have fallen victim to the power of convoluted logic, bogus science and the manipulative influence of human reasoning. However, for those few who shall be able to find the difficult road and tight door through Golgotha, there will be a wonderful revelation, greater and immeasurably more pleasant when they behold the empty tomb….

The Safe Deposit Box…


You have a safe deposit box in the bank? You keep all your valuables in that box. Many people keep a lot of cash in it too. You are confident that it is safe from theft, fire or any kind of loss. Each time you add a new lump of cash or piece of jewelry, you feel a secret kind of pleasure deep inside… a level of comfort and security… yet there are those difficult times which call for difficult decisions … meaning… you have to make a withdrawal … you do it begrudgingly and you try to minimize the damage as much as possible. In the final analysis, you know that the best strategy is to maximize the deposits and minimize the withdrawals…

               Bank safe deposit boxes are expensive, and you must fill up some paper work and fulfill certain criteria to be allowed to keep one. Yet a few of us know that we already have a free safe deposit box which is set to have each person’s name whether we like it or not. And the account is automatically computerized in a very accurate manner. Deposits and withdrawals are made without you even being aware of it. The amazing thing is that your deposits also earn interest…

How are deposits made? Well, every time you share a sandwich with another person, you are making a deposit. If you hand a drink to a thirsty poor person, you are making a deposit. Can you imagine how much wealth you can amass if you extend your activity to help a sick person or tutor a needy student who cannot pay you back … there is no limit to what you can do to build up your account. There is an endless number of needy people around you…  many people need love, caring and all kinds of help on this earth… a fact which you can use easily to your advantage…

               Unfortunately, withdrawals from this box are also easily made automatically. Every time you make a deposit and then go around talking about it, it is immediately erased from the account. The worst you can do is make a deposit … and go brag about it to the very person who was the beneficiary of your deposit… this does not only erase the deposit, but it also adds penalty to your account, and this kind of penalties is really hefty… If this is a habit of yours, to remind everyone of all the things you have done for them… I am afraid, you may be shocked to learn , only too late, that you shall end up with an overdrawn account, loaded with hefty additional penalties

You may say, I have an excuse for all these withdrawals … however, just like the bank has rules for its safe boxes, these free deposit boxes have one golden rule … no excuses accepted… none at all…

   You shall say, I am easily provoked, that is my bad nature … sorry not accepted.

   You can say, those people betrayed me… I had to remind them, again, not accepted

   What about … they forgot all the sacrifices I made for them… not accepted.

No excuse can be good enough… so you better find a strategy to keep your account in good standing before all the wonderful deposits you labored for all your life, become depleted and you lose everything.

You may ask, OK, I understand the withdrawal, yet why are these hefty penalties imposed?

The answer is simple, because all your deposits were never possible to make without the help of the bank master … bragging about it, you actually try to take all the credit to yourself, and denying the fact that on your own, you would not be able to make a single deposit.

The only piece of advice anyone can give you is this… lose the key … yes … lose the key to your free safe deposit box, so that you cannot make any withdrawals… what key you ask ??

The key is your memory … once you make your deposit, erase it from your memory banks… it is like it never happened. This way you can guarantee that it shall not be withdrawn in a silly moment of weakness.

There is No Chocolate in Heaven …

My beloved CANCEL THE i wide

If I remember correctly, I had just walked into the back yard of the church. The sprinklers were still watering the vast lawn, so I tiptoed my way to see who were sitting on the bench at the far end… it took my breath away to see the very two people I was thinking about … I was overjoyed and shouted, “I cannot believe you are here. You are really here..”

Nagi smiled and said, “it is good to see you too.”

I sat between them on the bench while Sabry said, “you were wondering about the awful things going on now?”

I sighed deeply and shook my head sadly, “you see what is happening?”

they did not answer immediately.. I looked at each of them again and tried to cheer up saying, “but you are here.. I am so happy to see you.. I wish you never leave again”

“I like the memorial picture you made for us.. you never forgot …” Sabry said.

“But I must admit.. the caption you put there is a little bewildering… what do you mean by the phrase :cancel the I?” Nagi asked

“Oh that … well, it is what our friend Elias had taught me… ” I replied, “you see.. I had a long argument with him about several topics we were discussing, and finally he told me ‘listen, you use the word I much too often.. I do this, I like that, I know this and I think that… try to cancel the I and see what happened!!!’ to be honest it was so hard to do… after some time of trying, it was clear why he said that”

“A very wise man,” said Sabry, “the world does not revolve around you dear.. you are just a part of the world around you..”

We talked a little about some sweet memories… then I inadvertently blurted, “… but in heaven everything is peaceful and you don’t feel any pain.. right?”

a moment of silence passed before Nagi answered, “yes.. but we also watch over you.. especially when you so constantly keep remembering us in your heart in your thoughts…”

then Sabry added, “we do not want to see you suffer unduly.  You see, there are certain things you have to endure in order to grow, but sometimes you overload yourself with pains which are totally unnecessary.. “

I stood up and walked a few steps trying to hide my tears. Sabry came after me and like he used to do in the past, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder kindly, “you cannot make everyone happy… each person has to fight his own battles… everyone has a role to create their own happiness.. many people lose their way and some eventually find their way back.. you cannot live in misery because someone else has jumped off the cliff”

I turned to face him and I could hardly see him through my tears, “But it was all my fault.. you see, it was my failure___”

then Nagi interrupted while standing behind me at a short distance, “No my dear.. it is not your fault.. every person is responsible for his own actions… you did all you should do plus some more.. so stop blaming yourself, otherwise you shall actually go astray yourself…” he came to face me with a mile and added, “you cannot make anybody behave one way or another… the best you can do is advise and guide… be an what you preach… beyond that, every person is on his own.”

Sabry then gave me a handkerchief to wipe out my tears and calmly said, “you see the turmoil happening now all around? It is causing quite a disturbance all over the world.”

I answered, “I was going to ask you about that? It is really scary… a lot of people are badly hurt.”

He went back to the bench while I stayed standing next to Nagi who answered me, “you don’t have to worry.. the divine plan is very carefully executed.. everything is under control”

I hesitated for a moment before I asked again, “But you see.. our children are being crucified, our families are being scattered away from their homes, and the powers of evil seem to be prevailing in every direction.. it has become a real desperate situation… “

Sabry laughed gently and said, “listen to yourself… just repeat what you just said in your mind… don’t you remember how many times in the past the same thing happened…”

then Nagi added, “remember Nero, the Barbarian invasions, the inquisition, and so many other years of turmoil…not to mention what happened at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Himself and the difficult years after that.. “

We were all silent for a while until Sabry finally said, “each time these things happen, you think the end is at hand.. the faithful are defeated as a lot of people lose their faith and fall by the wayside… remember Elijah and the seven thousand faithful he did not know about?” He then stood to face me saying, “these things are designed to shake off the chaff from the wheat… the ones who have faith from the pretenders”

Nagi hit me on my head playfully saying, “those who persevere to the end are the chosen few…never lose sight of that”

I looked at them before me and I looked up to heaven… like a dreamer I started to say slowly, ” I can hardly believe I am talking to you… Oh, How I wish you stay here with me and never leave… please tell me you shall never leave again.”

They looked at each other and Nagi said, “well we are with you as long as you keep us in your heart… once you forget us, we are forced to move on”

before I had a chance to answer Sabry added, “and eventually you shall come and join us too and we shall be together with all the others in the great light.”

I earnestly answered, “I want to join you now.. now please.. don’t go.. take me with you.”

They were flying away somehow… and Sabry laughed and said, ” but you know there is no chocolate in heaven.. I know how much you like chocolate.. “

I giggled and said, “it is OK, if I have to give up chocolate to be with you… so be it…”

“wow, you shall give up chocolate… that sounds hard to believe” Father Samuel was standing before me laughing and shaking my shoulder lightly. I was still seated on the bench so I jumped to my feet to greet him and hug him, “Oh father I am sorry.. I was talking to… I mean… they were here … standing here and I was very happy to see them..”

“I know you loved your departed friends so much.. you were just talking to me about them the other day…” Fr. Samuel answered, “in fact you never stop talking about them every chance you have… but you need to remember what Jesus said ‘if you love anyone more than me, you do not deserve me’ “

“Oh, but father you know…” I had to come back fast, “Jesus is the Land Lord of my heart… all his children are just permanent residents”

The priest looked at me kindly and smiled… after a few seconds he said, “you see, God loves a servant who knows how to remain faithful despite the stretch of time or space.”

Honoring two truly saintly young men who departed in the late seventies. and will never be forgotten. Sabry and Nagi please pray for us and all the children of St. Athanasius family all over the world.

Metamorphosis …

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If you can read this… then you certainly belong to the human species … You are a social creature, with many other similar beings surrounding you. you have your own circle of people… you love some… and some of them may love you… and yet you notice that sometimes the relations are not just as simple or cozy.

Unlike creatures of lower strata, humans have an uncanny ability for metamorphosis. I guess that is why we have theatre and movies and acting schools. did you ever think if it were at all possible for antelopes, chimps, dogs or dolphins to have acting schools? Only human beings have such a fascinating skill… to change their appearance and even their character in an instant… usually, at will. When chameleons, and octopi change their appearance instinctively for self protection, we find ourselves mesmerized by this miraculous transformation. but these animals even when they change their appearance, their nature stays the same. you never hear of a chameleon that starts changing its appearance in order to help its fellow chameleons to forage for food, sacrificing itself in the process to remain hungry and thirsty, and suddenly it turns around and devours the same members of its clan just because one of them stepped out of line ? an octopus will turn its body to look like a rock, only to ensnare a fish or protect itself from a marauding hunter.

Human beings have it in a different capacity. you can easily find someone, pretending to be your best friend, in order to defraud you of your life savings. if you forgive the same person and say, “it was a mistake… he had learned his lesson” He may come back and do it all over again.

You see, human beings have something called consciousness… which lower animals do not have. It is amazing… right? it functions like a light switch. you flip it on, and voila… your outside appearance matches exactly what your character looks like. when you flip it off, suddenly, your external appearance begins to change… it acts as a mask of different shapes and colors to hide what you really are. Often, unfortunately, this switch malfunctions…permanently. when humans lose this peculiar trait, they automatically join the lower animal strata… they cannot help it. But, that is not the worst of it. you see, regrettably, consciousness can also be trained, manipulated and deformed, an astounding ability of that superior being called man. A young child can grow up to be an Amazon tribesman whose consciousness is very comfortable when he kills another adversarial tribesman, cut his body and eat it.. !! and how about that human who sanctions and practices the “inhuman” concept of slavery ?? even lizards and pigs are incapable of grasping that “strictly human” concept…the examples are too numerous to list .. (we are talking here about simple human standards, and not high and noble Christian standards)

Nevertheless, all these are glaring illustrations of the varying degrees of the degradation of the human consciousness. Unfortunately, there are other forms of that degradation that are much worse and much more prevalent, if only because they are subtle and almost undetectable. Folklore and legend are littered with stories about such travesty. We need not go through the details about that, it had already been illustrated and explained by numerous writers, philosophers and historians. In fact, what is actually needed is the means to identify the degeneracy, avoid it or deal with it.

So… How can you make sure that the person you thought to be completely trust worthy… does not in fact have a malfunctioning consciousness switch. Fact is, you cannot. Only time can expose such a person and reveal the truth. The important thing is when you discover the truth, how shall you deal with it? More often than not, people live in denial because they do not want to believe that they were deceived, or sometimes they are so enamored by the deceiver that they feel they cannot part with him or her.

However, excuse me for saying this… because I must also ask, do you know if you have a well… I mean… you know… a good, well functioning such switch yourself? and if you do… how often… um… do you switch it off? you realize that whatever will apply to those around, will naturally apply to you… just keep that in mind… BTW do you know who is  Ahithophel or the Iscariot ??

Based on reflection on the Biblical characters mentioned above.

Pebbles in the stream …


We all live like pebbles in a stream, some near the top of the pile, and some at the bottom. when the current is gentle and slow, we all exist in a calm lull, satisfied with our small niche. yet, when the currents become rough, strong and stormy, we find ourselves dislodged violently from our comfort zones and start to grind against one another jumping, and rushing to places we never knew before, until somehow we finally get thrown into the great abyss. Blessed are those few who firmly believe, whether in their niche or in the abyss, they are closely guarded by their loving Almighty father.

reflections on John 17:16

Those who have ears…let them hear


They were engaged in a heated discussion. The onlookers were alarmed and wondered why was this debate escalating to such heights of tension? Everyone knew that both Christian servants were heavily involved in the service of the church, yet they had diagonally opposing points of view.

You see, Roger kept blaming Bob for directing his donations and efforts to other people and churches rather than giving his all to the church where he serves and prays. Roger considered that disloyalty and selfishness. He even went as far as to accuse Bob of being manipulative and arrogant. Yet Bob had a completely different point of view. He thought blind loyalty could be detrimental. He believed that the church where he served and prayed had misappropriated the funds entrusted to her and that other members of the community and even other churches needed the donations more and used it in a more appropriate and efficient manner.

I watched them go at it for a while and when it became clear that neither would be able to sway the other’s views, I quietly took my leave. In fact, I walked away from the discussion with a troubled heart. Which one of them had the right opinion? When I arrived home, I decided to get some guidance from the source… the Holy Bible itself. After all, this is the overriding opinion. I kept searching and hoping that the Lord will give me a hint where to find the answer. Finally, I reached…Mathew 25: 14-46…* whoa…well. Here is… the clear voice of God.

The Lord in his kindness mentioned the three stewards and said nothing about the fourth one. He mentioned the honest and hardworking first and second stewards. Each worked to the best of his ability. It was evident, the Lord never overloaded any one with burdens he could not carry…he knew each one’s talents and handed out the responsibilities according to those talents. More was expected back, from the one who was given more. Yet the third steward who was given the slightest responsibility of one talent, and was certainly given the ability to use it wisely if he chose to, he went and buried it under tons of disingenuous  excuses. Now look what fate awaited that miserable fellow. Mind you, he did not lose the talent, but he did not use it appropriately as was expected of him. That by itself qualified him to perdition and doom. Now think with me about that fourth steward who might have been mentioned in this story… and who would certainly have a place at the end of this group. That… would be the steward who might have been given a single talent – or more, based on the capabilities afforded him by the master – and instead of trading in it properly; he would have gone out and squandered his master’s talents in a frivolous manner. Think for a moment if that steward began to spend lavishly on his own interests and had little consideration for the interests of his master and his children, just what would be the fitting punishment for such steward in light of the treatment of the third one? I tremble and shudder in fear for the mere thought.

Therefore, at the end I realized, the master will charge everyone with responsibility concomitant with the talents given to him or her. I shall not answer to Roger, or Bob But rather to the Master who will pass judgment on me as well as on Roger and Bob. I have to be absolutely careful with the talents in my possession, as my fate will depend on it. Being merely passive is not an option. It can lead to a rather horrible end. Squandering what I was given…well, that can be devastating beyond human comprehension.  At the end, there is no alternative to hard honest work to promote and develop the interests of the master who has entrusted me with those talents in the first place.

Now, comes the nagging question… How do I know if I am squandering my talents or promoting them? When I invest a large sum of money on a beautiful painting of the Master, would I be squandering this money? May be I should look at it this way…If my brother was hungry and I went for the painting instead of feeding him or helping him to find a way to feed himself, then I am squandering the money. If my brother is in prison and I choose to throw a party in honor of a beloved saint instead of bailing my brother out or hiring a lawyer to defend him, I would be squandering the money. Well, you may ask about the woman with the expensive alabaster flask of perfume. I think the answer would be… When she broke the alabaster flask of expensive perfume to anoint the Lord, he approved it in a qualified way saying, “the poor are with you always….” Yes indeed the poor are with us always and what do we do about it? He had demanded that we feed him…clothe him…visit him and help him…and told us exactly how to do it… do we remember?

What was the worst offense of the Pharisees? They took care of the little superficial matters, and ignored or neglected the major responsibilities. It is evident that the end result of ignorance and neglect is one and the same. Those illustrious trustees of the law should have done both, setting the proper priorities and doing what is essential first. Besides, even when they did what was expected, they did it for the wrong reasons. They did everything to satisfy their ulterior motives and worse yet, to get personal credit for it.

In the final analysis, I think that neither Roger nor Bob got it quite right. First and foremost, neither one should judge the other of his approach. On the other hand, I myself should not fault either of them. Each of us will be responsible for what he does with his talents. None of us can present an acceptable excuse saying somebody else made me do it. No matter who that somebody else might be. If you do not believe me, ask Peter when the chief priests demanded that the disciples stop preaching the Gospel…

You see, it is very comforting to know that the Lord already knows. In other words, as the psalmist says, “He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does He not see? He who taught men knowledge, does He not know?” Indeed, for Him No explanations are needed or required. No one can fool him either. He already sees the inner most chambers of our hearts and minds. Everything is exposed and clear before him. He is my boss, your boss and the boss of both Roger and Bob and everyone else. For those who have nothing to hide, this mere fact is so reassuring and pleasant, yet, woe to him who is a steward of the third kind. As for the most miserable, steward of the fourth kind… whew… I do not think words can explain the level of suffering awaiting him at that big day of recompense.

also Matthew 7: 21-23

An Intra Oral Adventure

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Does this kind of thing happen in your company?

keep in mind while you read, this is not a hypothetical..

The conference room was filled to capacity and all the big shots were seated on the sides to watch the proceedings. Mickowitsky started to make his presentation and went on with charts and stats all over the place. near the end, he wanted to make his final conclusion stick in the minds of everyone… so he called on Joseph – who was hired four weeks previously as production manager – to agree with him ! Joseph, had vast experience in the field of dentistry, and knew the numbers were wrong and the presentation was completely bogus. it was tough to contradict the man trusted to charter the direction of the whole company. Joseph tried to be polite, “Sir you explained it very well, but you did not mention anything about Zirconia” for a few seconds there was dead silence, until the “Mick” laughed it off reminding everyone who is the boss.. “of course I am aware of that but this is immaterial to our goals here”

Joseph had earned himself an enemy for life. many months later, Moshe walked into the production room with a big smile, “Joseph, the numbers came in.. we have a success rate of 96%.. can you imagine? we even examined the few failed case and found that they were failures at the source and not at production… despite the crap being thrown at us from every direction, we were able to process it successfully”

Joseph was not ready to celebrate yet, so he asked, “how about the case of Belinda and Belinda?” so Moshe replied, “never mind this case, we have re-affirmed the decision of management that we at production cannot make any alteration on our own. we are bound to deliver cases based on the records given to us”

Joseph persisted, “But my friend, I could have easily corrected the error and the case would have been a resounding success”

“We do not make the rules Joseph, we only follow them”

it was almost a year later when Mr. Mickowitsky walked into Joseph’s new tiny office beamingly saying, “OK, now that I have been made general manager, I promise to make your life miserable here… I suggest you start looking for a different place”

Joseph answered confidently, “I am no longer the production manager, thanks to you appointing this brainless creature in my place, but I am still the chief digital dental analyst of all cases, you have nobody who can do a fraction of what I do… I actually created this department and I am in the process of creating another highly specialized department to look into final products analysis… “

But the Mick was ready with the answer, “Oh yeah… do you remember the case of Belinda and Belinda ? this will stay on your record forever.. Do not say I did not warn you” and he walked out.

               At the time the vice president was terminating Joseph he said, “Sorry Joseph but the stats show that the product success rate has declined from 96% when you were doing all the wok by yourself, to 45% now even though we have nine other members in your department. we have to let you go”

Joseph answered, ” don’t you see, now I do not do all the digital analysis myself.. you have hired inexperienced, incompetent people to do a highly sophisticated job requiring very specialized skills and experience… for God’s sake, you even hired a girl who never knew what a dental prep looks like just because her boy friend is the manager in another department!!”

the V.P. replied, “It is not up to me as you know.. But..”

Joseph cut him off, “I understand.. you do not have to explain”

“one more thing Joseph, your severance pay, has been tied to your signing a letter that you shall not at any point in the future sue the company for discrimination or any other reason.. so please sign this letter to make things easy for yourself”

“Sir, I will not sign such a letter even if it means losing my severance pay. I do not plan to sue this company or any other. the company hires hundreds of people… and their families depend on that pay check, suing the company will only hurt all these good innocent people.”


               NOW, if this resembles anything you encounter in your company, you must know it is not unusual.. it is this kind of behavior… cronyism .. or nepotism … and entrenched ignorance at the upper echelons of any company that are at the center of its undoing… a company like the one mentioned here (all names had been changed for obvious reasons) was at the pinnacle of its industry… brilliant people were involved in founding it and it had at least a generation leap ahead of any competition… the character called Joseph here, had tried to explain the numerous advantages and the spectacular potential that company had, but he was dismissed at the very point when the company was ready to make its mark on the global market. instead, the company withered, shriveled, and was swallowed by another company which used its product for a completely mundane purpose… while other companies caught up and even succeeded to take over the mantle of progress of that field of dentistry.


               Can you figure out what went wrong? a disengaged management ? personal vendettas ? ignorance at the HR level ? all of the above ?

Hiring, a DEVOTED, EXPERIENCED AND BALANCED right person for the job, is difficult, but it is imperative for success, regardless of the cost.

Think… About Change

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No, not nickels and dimes…that isn’t the change intended.

I am not talking about a change of clothes…or even change of seasons either. I am trying to think about a more fundamental, subtle and far more significant change.

When you look at a small rosebud, you know that by time and a little nourishment, it shall turn into a wonderful blooming rose, with soft silky petals, invigorating aroma and fascinating beauty. You also know, that the same glorious flower is bound to wither in due time, lose its enchanting appearance, fade away and finally crumble. Every living thing on this earth, is bound by the same cycle. It may take a few thousand years for some trees, a few short hours for some insects…or, a few short years for a human, it is the same cycle nonetheless. Now…how often does anybody think about this? Yes, I know you shall say, this is as old as the mundane sermon of an unsophisticated preacher. Indeed, the same preacher who tried to get people’s attention for so many years in vain. Nevertheless, this is not what I’d like you to think about. I would like to look at the critical phase between each of these manifest stages in the cycle. Think about the turbulent chapter between childhood and adolescence, and the impossible – to – define – line between adolescence and maturity…then think further about the most dreaded phase between adulthood and senility. Are we getting closer to the point?

When was the last time you changed schools, jobs? Or changed residency? Do you remember the transition between high school and college? How about the day you said farewell to a loved one…or said Hello to a total stranger who would become an integral part of your life?

Some of the most dramatic and influential moments that changed the course of our lives, can go unnoticed, to become totally obliterated from our memory by time. But its effect lasts with us for as long as we live and transition, from one stage in life to the next. Have you ever noticed how each time we reach the threshold for a new stage we adamantly resist that change with all our being. Some people go through serious problems of depression, fear and many other emotional convulsions when the time comes to…change. The critical difference between one individual and the other is that those who overcome their fear and tendency for sedimentary existence have a much better chance to adapt and go on, while the others who cling to the status quo, end up usually left behind wallowing in the mire of self pity. Change will come upon us whether we like it or not as life around us will continue to develop in ways we cannot control or anticipate. If we have the courage to initiate the necessary changes in our life to keep up with the progress around us without losing our basic tenets of faith and ethics, we shall certainly prosper. Mind you, we have to be careful and “look before we leap” as the famous idiom says. Some changes can be catastrophic. A sheep cannot suddenly change into a wolf in order to join the wolf pack. A true lamb trying to do that will certainly be devoured by the carnivorous company. If you succeed as a member of the wolf pack, you were never a real lamb in the first place. So, yes to change…but you must think…change into what?

Notice that proper natural change always leads to what is better…more mature, and refined. Yes, the final stage is usually when flesh returns back to dust, but the wonderful truth is that in case of faithful humans, that ushers in the most wonderful change of all…

The Contrarian, The Conformist and The Nonchalant


Some individuals live their lives constantly objecting to everything and everyone around them, while some others seem to have perfect harmony with whatever circumstance thrown at them. Yet another group, a large percentage of people go on their daily life unaware of, and unwilling to share in the human drama unfolding in their midst even if it meant turning their whole lives upside down.

Being a contrarian is mostly perceived as obnoxious and insufferable; while a conformist endears himself to those around him by pretending that the word “no” does not exist in his lexicon. He trades off his self-respect for the peace bubble he imagines to be creating for himself. Most members of society though, feel that whatever happens outside their comfort zone is other people’s business and they should not concern themselves with it.

Of course, there are fuzzy areas in this classification as well as varying degrees of overlap. Yet the overall outlook is generally accurate.

A Contrarian insists on his point of view and sees nothing but error in the approach of everyone else. He always looks for that flaw – minute, as it may be – which must exist in every theory and every solution to a problem. The only flawless approach is naturally his approach. He may agree with you that the sun rises in the morning from the east, but he will hasten to point out that at the polar circles there is no sunrise or sunset for months in a row. He may concede that the water of the sea is salty, but he will insist to remind you that there are numerous salt lakes as well and he may even go on to explain how the salinity of the seawater is different in various parts of the same sea. Indeed, a contrarian will never fully accept any one else’s point of view without first shredding it to pieces. Most of the time, such people hold back progress and slow down any improvement in any field. Yet they are indispensable for that same reason, because, as irritating as they may be, they force everyone to stop and look before they leap into a perilous situation. The mere existence of a contrarian is like a safety valve. If it goes off prematurely, you can simply shut it down and go on, but if it goes off revealing a real danger, it will help avert a catastrophe. If you eliminate that valve altogether, you shall be like one, who walks blindfolded in uncharted territory, or one who jumps out of a plane without the benefit of a parachute.


On the other hand, a conformist will accept everything you do and every word you say without objection. Even when he sees the error, he will be too timid to bring it up or unwilling to expose it for whatever ulterior motive he may have. There are various reasons why some people tend to be conformists. Rarely would any of these reasons be justifiable by objective analysis. You shall be very pleased with such a person though you shall be less inclined to give him much respect. You know that you already have him in your corner, even when you decide to venture into an outlandish excursion. You may try to validate condemning an innocent man, and your conformist will easily find reasonable explanation to agree with you. You may try to dismantle a well-organized community and replace it with your own self-gratifying system regardless of the fact that it would create mayhem and major loss of life. The conformist will only consider how approving your plans will keep him in your favor. Therefore, he will defend your atrocity vehemently, despite its obvious error. Conformists are a real danger to any community. They are like faulty safety valves, which never go off when they should. Naturally, they try to justify their behavior, which usually results in tremendous disasters because errors eventually add up and when finally the cumulative effect lead to the inevitable tragedy, it no longer matters who was to blame.

Unfortunately, there are more conformists in any society than are there contrarians. However, the nonchalant far outnumber both.

Consider for a moment a wildebeest. It grazes all day on lush grass, then lies down in the shade and regurgitate. It is totally oblivious to whatever happens around it. It will only react to a wild fire and try to run for its life, even if it means trampling over other members of its own species. It will go to a water hole to drink even though the last time it went there several members of the herd were cut to pieces by crocodiles. At the time of mating, it will fight everybody that stands in its way regardless whether it may win or lose. In other words, it will behave – like any similar animal with the same disposition – in a manner so indifferent to other members’ needs even though it is still a part of a larger herd.  In a manner of speaking, the nonchalant are the wildebeest of society. They are driven by instinctive self-interest and try to avoid responsibility altogether. They live off the grass, which they never plant. Whatever happens around them is other people’s business, until they feel the heat of a fire. Only then, they will try to run, in the direction seemingly favorable for their personal survival even if it means stepping over someone else’s neck. They never learn to look for a safer water hole or banding up together against the crocodiles. They are the reason why social crocodiles of humanity flourish and grow.


It is very unpopular and sometimes quite detestable to be a contrarian. Meanwhile, you do not want to be a sleazy nor a pathetic conformist. Moreover, by no means would you aspire to be as detached and blasé as the fodder of the crocodiles. So, what should you do?

Great thinkers, philosophers and leaders in the history of many nations, were distinctively contrarians. They were the kind of people who saw error and blew the whistle to alert their people to the danger. Mind you, they were not “absolute contrarians” i.e. looking for flaws where no flaws existed or riding the waves of other people’s mistakes to their own fame and glory. In fact, many of these special contrarians were hated, ridiculed and even killed for their opinions. Their communities realized their sincerity when it was too late to remedy the situation. Most martyrs fall into this category, from Isaiah to St. Paul and beyond, you can see how these non-conformists tried to bring to the attention of their people, the errors of their ways. Only long after their communities persecuted them and condemned them, it was evident that their voices should have been heard and their advice should have been heeded. It takes a lot of courage to be a contrarian of that kind, knowing what may befall you if you fall out of the graces of the very people you are trying to help, and that is why contrarians are few. Still fewer are the faithful and honest contrarians who only speak out when they see a true reason for alarm and never give a second thought to their own wellbeing.

Does that mean you should never be a conformist under any circumstance? Actually, the most successful contrarians must see a time when they may find it plausible to overlook a minor inconsequential discrepancy if it means being able to address and avert a much bigger tragedy. So you see …there is a time to look the other way and there is a time when you have to put your foot down and stubbornly stand by what you believe in. knowing when to do either, requires not only courage but also foresight. I think such a person is what may be called “a wise contrarian.”

Nevertheless, if you prefer to watch the battles rage around you while you passively chew on whatever cud fills your mouth, then you should not complain, about the fire…the crocodiles …or all those others who want to step on you to reach their destinations.