From the Barber to the Cemetery

Chapter three

George remained mum. But Al picked up the queue, “Is that so? What is the matter George? Is it really Michael he’s talking about? Did you try to help discipline the kid?” when George maintained his silence, Alfred continued slowly.  “Why do I have the feeling that there is something bothering you?”

George stopped his work. Put down his scissors with a shaky hand. He scratched his bald head in visible distress and then said, “Yes Al, He is still alive. He is quite disfigured by the fire, but he is very much alive”

Alfred was alarmed at his friend’s attitude. He calmly asked, “Thank God that the kid is alive…But, why is that a bad thing George? You must’ve been helping the poor child …he is Lind’s boy…after all, Barnard was your friend and benefactor.”

“I know Al; I know…Not that it is a bad thing… don’t get me wrong. There are rumors going around.” George said agonizing to be convincing.

“Rumors? What rumors?” asked the lawyer.

“That the kid was the one who burnt the house after a fight with his father over some money,” It was the elderly man who interjected, “…That is why all the villagers hated the kid and were actually afraid of him.”

“I have never heard a more bizarre and absurd fabrication” Said the shocked lawyer, “Michael was away from the house when the fire started…who could cook up such a stupid fable? Speak up George.”

“That was the official report we got back then.” The old man continued, “They said he pretended to go get firewood from Janesville, the border village south from here, but in fact he fell back to the barn and lit up all the hay…”

George was struggling to say anything in order to change the subject, so he blurted, “Listen Al, we better forget about that matter…tell you what, why don’t you stay with us today for dinner, my wife Lisa will be very happy to see you?”

Al was really disturbed. He stood up, looked straight at the barber and said, “Tell me George, do you believe that nonsense?”

“It doesn’t matter now Alfred. This was many years ago. Why rehash this ugly past. Let’s live today” George lamented as he was no longer able to stand; He sat down and continued, “Alfred, please let sleeping dogs lie”

Alfred was not about to be stopped, “I asked you a question George…my friend George, I asked you if you believed that nonsense?”

“It doesn’t matter whether I believed it or not. The entire village believed it. What could I do to change that?” George pleaded, “Nobody could dispute what Jacquard said”

“How many people in this village ate off the hands of the Linds? Is this how they returned the favor?” Alfred was strenuously trying to keep his cool, “I can hardly believe what I hear…it’s…how…anyway…So where is Michael now?” He asked, even though he knew the answer. In utter disappointment, he wanted the barber to say the words.

A long silence ensued. Then as Alfred was about to repeat his question, the elderly man almost whispered, “He sometimes roams the streets by night looking for something to steal or someone to rob”

Alfred looked at him disgustingly, and then turned his glaring eyes to George, who squirmed pitifully then said in obvious despair, “I…um…probably…you may find him in the Cemetery…”

“Is your invitation for dinner still on?” The lawyer asked.

“Well yes of course Al, I’d be honored,” Said the relieved George.

“Can I bring a guest with me?” Al asked again daring his friend.

The horrified George looked at him in disbelief, “Please Al, don’t do that. You shall leave tomorrow and I shall have to face endless troubles after that”

“Don’t worry George, I’m going to stay…I must stay… until I get to the bottom of this” Al spat the words and rushed out of the door.

It was already late in the afternoon, when Al rode to the cemetery. He dismounted, tied up his horse to the fence, and walked slowly among the rows of graves. He reached the area of the big family tombs with their ornate buildings and marble statues. He expected Michael to find shelter inside one of those buildings. But he was no where to be found. Then he started looking in the rather poor section of the place. In a corner where graves did not even have a tombstone, he saw someone curling on the ground and completely covered in some old ragged clothes. He approached him quietly and when he was within ear shot, he said calmly,


The poor man stirred a little…and reached out to touch the wooden cross marking the grave. When he heard his name spoken a second time, he sat up revealing his disfigured face, and looked for the speaker. They looked at each other in silent wonderment for a while.

In a voice quivering with emotion, Al spoke his name again, “My dear Michael, oh how I miss you” The horrific scene he was looking at, has already drove him to tears.

The wretch was still sitting on the ground, unwilling to believe that someone is calling him by his name and even showing some feelings for him. Then he said slowly,

“Nobody called me Michael in a very long time…I must be dreaming or…or feverish…who cares anyway…”

Alfred ran to him, knelt by his side and held him in his arms crying uncontrollably. Michael was still unable to believe what is happening. He whispered,

“Dad, is that you? Have I already come to you in heaven?”

“No my dear Michael, I am Alfred. Your dad’s friend who pulled you out of the fire” Said Al, still hugging and kissing the disfigured man pulling him to stand up.

“Alfred? The officer…?”  Michael asked in disbelief.

“Yes my son. Oh, I’m sorry…I should have followed up with you…I should’ve never abandoned you…please forgive me” Alfred screeched.

“Forgive you? For loving me…? Nobody wanted to look at my ugly face, and here you are hugging me. Everybody called me all kinds of bad names and for the first time in many years I hear you call me by my name…This cannot be real… I don’t want to wake up from this dream”

“It is not a dream Michael. I shall make it up for you my son…” Al said passionately, “if it means fighting against the whole world, I promise to make it up for you my poor child”

Instinctively Michael reached for his mask, but Al grabbed his hand, “Don’t worry about this Michael. It doesn’t matter how you look on the outside…The Fire burnt your body, but it did not touch your beautiful and pure soul.”

“Oh, but you don’t know what they say about me…they say horrible things about me…” Michael was beginning to cry.

“No, Michael please, don’t cry,” Alfred said gently, “They can say all the lies they want about you but heaven knows how you sacrificed your own safety to save your sister and your parents.”

“But I failed… See, I failed…” Michael now was crying the tears of many years. Suppressed tears which he could never let go before to relieve the agony of his heart “See I failed, that is why I was punished and was left alone like an animal all these years.”

“No, not at all… You were left alone because of the mean and ungrateful nature of human beings. And the shortcomings of people like me.” Alfred said wiping Michael’s tears, “you haven’t done anything wrong Michael…Heaven knows you are a hero and a brave man. Come; come let’s get out of here. I shall take you with me to the city…”

“Oh, but I don’t want to leave my dad here alone… and my mother …and Lana my sister, how can I leave them alone” Michael complained.

“They are not alone Michael. They are with the saints and the angels. They are not alone. Now it is time for you to look ahead. A lot of good things are in store for you my child” Al spoke wrapping his arm around the poor man’s shoulder and marching him away from the grave of his father, which was only marked by the wooden cross bearing his name.

“Are you sure I can leave this place? Now? The sun is down but it is not night yet…and sometimes people are scared when they see me…I don’t__” Said Michael.

            “I am sure Michael” Interrupted Al, “We even have a dinner invitation…come let me take you away from this place…”

            “You shall not leave alone … you shall come with me?” asked Michael, still unable to believe that his nightmare is over.

            “I shall never let you down again” Al reassured him affectionately, “from this time on you shall be my own son.”

The small eyes of the disfigured man twinkled inside his eye sockets and filled with tears again. He stopped and wrapped his arms around Alfred as he resumed crying silently.

To be continued next week…