A dedicated and beloved priest who serves God and truly understands the real meaning of service.
I was blessed to know him, and serve with him before his ordination to the priesthood. He was assigned a clerical college Deacon at St. George and St. Shenouda church in Jersey City, and served the congregation with humility, distinction and great devotion.

As a deacon and as a priest, he mentored many youth and helped countless people through thick and thin, as he himself endured many hardships, which he braved like our Master and Lord Jesus had taught us with patience, fortitude and quiet composure. As he set the example, many have become deacons, and some of his students have become ordained priests themselves, learning from him the true meaning of honest service, without bias or partiality, and always sacrificing self for others. Father Mikhail is rare kind of servant to the Lord in these troubled times of the 21st century. May the Lord bless him and bless his service for many years to come. We love you father Mikhail and pray God will continue to bless you and your family, and your service and guide you to help the congregation as you always do.