It was known to everyone, that TC was the mountain castle, the domain of the special troops which was now lead by Pryade.. so I was expecting that at any moment some soldier from this castle would emerge to try to stop me or even challenge me.. yet, no such thing happened, instead I was gradually climbing up the mountain side .. eventually, we seemed to have reached the top which was a rough plateau covered with a lot of brush, rocky spikes and winding trails.. the wind was blowing hard, but the crazy stallion had calmed down and was galloping at a steady pace.. which gave me some relief to breathe easy as if I were riding a regular horse. It was still fast.. but steady.. and I began to enjoy the ride despite the howling wind..
As time passed, I forgot how I got on this unexpected trip.. I began to take in the scenes around me.. first I could see the green hills of OC getting smaller and smaller as it was separated from the mountain by vast areas of wilderness.. then there was a large area of green which I couldn’t identify.. we seemed to be going through a winding mountain road.. the scenes below disappeared from view sometimes and then reappeared.. to disappear again.. we reached a narrow canyon which the magnificent horse crossed very easily without hesitation..a while later, I felt I was descending slowly into a most magnificent valley with fruit trees and shrubbery all around.. until at long last, the horse slowed down to a trot.. as we reached a little brook of clear water meandering among the trees.. we followed the brook which widened gradually and ended up as a beautiful lake formed by a spring gushing out from the top of a rock formation and forming a small waterfall.. that turned into some form of a cascading cataract.. then into the magical lake.. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at.. it felt like a wonderful dream..
The horse stopped at last, as if to invite me to dismount.. I got off its back and let it go grazing in the luscious grass.. I stood there mesmerized by the beauty before me.. flowers .. wild beautiful flowers dotting the grounds in an amazing display as if the most wonderful artist had designed it to grow this way to fascinate the beholder, and the trees.. some very high and some a little short loaded with sweet smelling fruits.. while the setting sun rays were sneaking through the branches and coloring the world around in stunning crimson and gold.. little animals were scurrying around merrily completely oblivious to our presence.. and the chirping birds flying from tree to tree and landing by the water to have a quick drink.. I sat down near the edge of the water.. reached out and scooped a handful in my cupped hands .. so pure and clean.. I drank my fill.. stood up, walked around a little, then sat down next to a tall tree taking in the enchanting place.. I wanted to record every minute detail into the deep crevices of my mind so I would never forget it.. the sound of the running water from the spring to the lake was quite enthralling.. and for a moment I couldn’t help but compare this to the filthy lake I had to run into in order to hide from Trapp and his goons.. I quickly kicked that image away .. yet.. another image found its way to my head.. Deemeon.. what would he say if I tell him about this place.. I found myself giggling.. maybe he wouldn’t believe me.. or .. oh, he may get angry.. I abandoned my post.. Um.. No.. the crazy horse brought me here.. Oh, I love this horse.. say what? What is this word? Love? Where did this come from? What does it mean? Well.. I don’t think I should worry about words and meaning .. let me enjoy this moment.. it is bringing such great joy to me.. I cannot understand..
Time passed and I didn’t realize it was getting dark already.. the golden sun rays were being replaced by the silver moon light.. I even felt so sleepy.. so I curled under the tree and fell into a peaceful slumber.. until.. I was rudely awaked by something dropping on my head, and sliding down to my lap.. I reached out to grab it and throw it away.. but somehow I couldn’t, it was a little bird.. it kept crying and fluttering in my hand so weak and scared.. it actually confused me.. I didn’t know what to do with the poor thing.. should I put it on the ground? Or how could I make it stop crying.. oh, you irritating noisy bugger.. I thought for a moment, I could spar with Deemeon and Pryade .. but I couldn’t deal with this little bird.. oh, why should I bother.. it is small and insignificant.. I should throw it away.. after all, it disturbed my peaceful sleep.. well.. no, again.. I couldn’t get myself to do that.. it was like.. this small creature had some power over me.. what is it? Magic? I had to chuckle.. I looked at it closely in the faint silver light of the moon, and without knowing what I was doing.. I pulled it to my bosom and wrapped my cloak around it to protect it.. gradually it got comfortable and warm.. and stopped crying.. seemed actually to go to sleep.. now I might be able to sleep as well..
Sleep, I did, yet again I was rudely awakened by the little fellow early at dawn, responding to the other birds and creatures in the forest.. the whole place was buzzing with life as soon as they felt the early rays of the sun celebrating the new day.. my guest was chirping his heart out.. probably wondering why he is not in his comfy nest.. I was annoyed.. then I was confused and I didn’t know how to deal with this confounding dilemma .. then it hit me.. look at me.. so concerned and preoccupied by this little creature, while someone like Bryane was experimenting viciously on human beings.. the thought made me shiver.. once again, Alore’s warning emerged at the back of my head with a question mark.. Well. No one is around.. but what is so different about me? “you are still a Vino.” He said.. how is that possible.. I was killing Vino soldiers in the battle at Primore.
The noisy bird, brought me back to the real world. It was like.. saying, let’s face it pal, you must return me to my nest.. or else.. Oh.. or else what? I cannot take you back where I am going.. I looked up and saw the little nest on one of the branches.. oh, no.. I cannot go up there.. it is high.. I never climbed any trees before.. I spent some time debating it with myself.. and at last I lost the debate.. I must return him to his home.. so, I started to climb.. it took me a lot of effort to maintain my balance, and I slipped several times.. but finally I reached the tidy nest and saw another little bird sitting there looking lonely and sad.. but, as soon I placed his brother, or may be his sister next to him.. they immediately started celebrating together in an amazing spectacle.. I was tired from the climb, with scratches on my arms.. but I noticed some warm streams of water well out of my eyes.. is this what they call tears.. am I happy for them or sad to have to say good bye.. I sat there on the branch unwilling to leave this beautiful moment.. when my face became very wet, I wiped the tears and then I noticed, the sun was already up.. I looked down below, the deer and squirrels were playfully active in their daily routines.. I had to go down to earth, literally..
I found the horse where I left him, and had no problem riding and starting the trip back..
But as I was looking back at the enchanting forest, somehow the words of Jurree rang into my ears.. “they return to where they came from” .. does this mean …Oh, No.. have I spent the night in Vino territory? Is all this beauty and wonder in enemy land? I had a strong inclination to come back here again.. and again .. I never enjoyed the kind of peace and inner joy like I did this last night.. I must find a way.. if I can keep this wonderful horse, it shall bring me back, no sweat.. I arrived at OC in the afternoon, went directly to the prison courtyard and left the horse at the well where I first found him.. then went looking for Jurree to instruct him, to take care of him.. my search ended up in the food court where I found Asfar with Shana and three others eating,
“Here he comes.. where have you been big shot?” Asfar yelled jokingly.
“None of your business, little man.. where is Jurree?” I snapped.
“Blake was looking for you all over the place..” Conn, Asfar’s wing man was quick to help him out.
“What does he want?”
“We don’t know.. he was just asking about you ..” Shana replied.
“Anyone seen Jurree?” I asked again.
“He was smoking near the stables.” She answered.
“OK, I’ll try to find him.. if anyone sees him, tell him I am looking for him.”
I left and headed to the HQ .. noticed the horse was not where I left it, so I expected Jurree to have found him and took him for feeding and some grooming.
I sat in the underground room to relax and think.. the beautiful images of the forest and the lake still vivid in my mind and the mere thought of the little bird which gave me so much trouble, was now making me smile with a strange feeling.. a feeling for which I could not find a precise word.. I don’t know how long I was there, daydreaming, until some outside noise prodded me to wake up and go to check what was going on.. as I was at the bottom of the stairs I pumped into another person coming down.. Blake..
“It is you.. finally.. where were you idiot?” He yelled.
“Don’t ever dare to talk to me like this .. ever.” I answered angrily, “Unless you like to hear me talking back to you in the same way.”
“Where were you?” He calmed down a little
Then another person, Conn rushed down the stairs in a hysteric way,
“Schank.. Schank is back and is in a very bad shape.. he may be dying.”
“Calm down.. he came back from where?” I asked
“He went to Vino, with Yank and Bonk on assignment .. only he returned now.. he is badly hurt___”
“Where is he?” Blake asked
“He is in the medic room.. in the prison building.”
“Medic room? What medic room?” Blake was surprised.
“This guy here.. created a room for injured people__” Conn started pointing at me.
“This guy here?” I interrupted and slapped his head.
“All right .. all right.. let’s go..” Blake turned around to go.
We walked to the prison,
“What assignment is he talking about?” I asked Blake.
“They were supposed to work on an important soldier named Powel.. Deemeon is fascinated by this guy.. he had been trying to get him for the longest time.”
“Seems to be a difficult target.. why not send someone more experienced.. or more capable than these fragile soldiers” I remarked
“He originally sent me.. to catch this guy Dusky Powel, but when I started.. my assignment was changed to target another soldier” Blake said proudly
“Were you successful?”
“Of course.. but that meant the assignment to get Powel had to be given to others.. and so far.. two groups had been trying.. the first group, all four members were killed.. none returned.. the second time he sent only two very experienced persons.. one of them was a woman doctor from CCP, and they both were killed.. none returned.. so this time he referred to me.. to choose the members of the assignment.. I picked the least possible people to be suspected of spying.. guys like Schank, so small in stature and not very clever.. so there appearance might be deceptive.. but it seems the intended target is far too clever..”
“You are making me anxious to see that Powel.. he must be something else, to stir up all this interest.” I said as we were entering the building.
“So what about this medic room?” Blake asked sarcastically.
“Well, when I was injured, you laid me on a couch in the hall.. it was inconvenient to an injured man, and even demeaning.. so I decided to create a prepared room especially for such purposes..” I shot back at him
We entered the room and found the emaciated soldier in bed with several people gathered around him asking all kinds of questions.. so I shouted,
“Everybody out..”
Some tried to object.. but at last I kicked them all out and stood next to Schank,
“How are you feeling?” I asked gently
“I am very tired.” He whispered.
“What happened Schank? Can you tell us?” Blake asked.
“Dusky .. he is no fool.. he immediately spotted Yank.. I don’t know how.. so we all became suspects by association.. when we tried to escape.. Yank fell right away.. Bonk died when we reached Esville.. he was badly injured and fell off the horse.. I made it to the UC Front and they helped, giving me some food and bandaged me__”
“So why didn’t you stay there? They could have sent someone to let us know what happened.” I asked
“I thought I could make it.. and .. well.. I did.. actually Metz tried to stop me when I arrived at the north camp.. but I wanted to come back.”
“Stubborn.. eh.. you want to show you are a tough guy.” Blake commented.
The weary guy smiled and moaned.. So I said,
“Good job Schank.. get some rest.. did you eat?”
We left the room and sent him some food and drink with strict orders that nobody should bother him.
As we were leaving the building, Blake said,
“I was looking for you because we have to go see Deemeon tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? OH.. I had plans for tomorrow.”
“No plan can be more important than meeting the chief. Besides, I wanted to show you the gateway.” He insisted.
“Oh, finally.. you decided I no longer have to be a prisoner in OC”
“You are not a prisoner.. look at you.. going all over the place and no one even knows where you go.”
“Of course. I should not let the soldiers know where I am, so they would be on the job.. always alert .. and keep the discipline.. isn’t this what you do?”
“I know it is always a lost cause trying to win an argument with you. Anyway, we got to get going first thing in the morning.”
As soon as Blake left for the night, I continued my search for Jurree.. I wanted to make sure that he got to take care of the spotted horse.. finally I found him slumping next to one of the stalls,
“Hey.. wake up sleepy head.. where were you hiding all this time.. where is my horse?”
“Oh.. easy.. um, I fell asleep.. I had a heavy meal.” He blabbered incoherently and tried to laugh, “What? What did you ask me?”
“You took the horse to groom and feed him? Where is he?”
“Horse? What horse?”
I almost screamed.. but held back with great difficulty,
“The spotted horse you were showing me yesterday.. the one___”
“Ahh.. Um.. no.. sorry, I didn’t see it today? Why do you ask?”
I didn’t answer right away.. I just stared at him.. I knew it was not his fault.. I can only blame myself.. I shouldn’t have left it unattended.. it must have bolted back to “where it came from” yes I was forewarned,
“OK, Jurree.. go to your bunker and sleep there.. you don’t have to sleep in the stalls.”
I walked back to the bunker with a very heavy heart.. thinking how am I going to go to the forest again.. can any one of these horses here endure the grinding trip.. it would take any horse twice the time, if at all it can do it.. may be with multiple rests.. oh, and the canyon? Can any of these horses make that jump? That thought made me shiver at the possibility of what might happen.. then my thoughts took a sharp turn.. where did this horse come from? Who left it there? And why.. we never found the rider..