Do you like to tell the truth?
Do you like to hear the truth?
Do you think you know the answer to these questions?
Not too fast…don’t jump into the expected “of course I do” before you give it a little thought. This is the eternal question of Pontius Pilate for which he got no answer. At least he did not get the answer he wanted or expected. The clear problem here was that Pilate asked the question rhetorically. He already knew the truth. After all, the truth was staring him in the face. Now tell me… Why would you ask a question, when you already know the answer and you certainly don’t want to hear that answer spoken???
What about Caiaphas? He made a revealing statement “It is better for one man to die on behalf of the whole nation.” Did he understand what he was saying? Did he realize the enormity of its implication? He believed what he said to be true. Yet, he understood it and meant it in a manner completely opposite to what we understand it to mean. Even Pilate would find a third explanation to that same statement.
Philosophers like to talk about the truth in mind bending expressions, logical conundrums and endless rhetorical humdrum arguments…Is it really that complicated? On the other hand Science was supposed to be impervious to this dilemma. After all, science had nothing to do with ideology…right? It is supposed to be the domain of observation, documentation and experimentation of reproducible physical and tangible material and phenomena. That was relatively accurate until, scientists became experts in the art of fund raising. Gradually science became a dogmatic ideology… Namely, as a scientist you are to find where the ideological standings of your source of funds are, then you go out and tailor your research ‘especially your results’ to suite that ideology. Naturally this resulted in huge numbers of scientists on each side of every issue …Whoa…Truth anybody?
Come to think of it, what is truth indeed? Is it a relative concept which can only be acknowledged based on which side of the argument you stand? Is it an absolute value that only a few people can see? The misguided and conceited Gnostics thought that they had an exultant and superior ability to see and understand the truth which they believed to be beyond the inferior faculties of the ordinary person…In reality, they couldn’t be farther from the truth. Well, anyway what is so intriguing is that of those few who actually see the truth, even fewer still adhere to it…? Do I see a Why here…?
Now the most critical question follows…is there a moral imperative to seek the truth and then to steadfastly stick to it…come what may? You may notice that all those who did just that, belong to an exclusive blood-spattered club…martyrdom. Martyrdom basically means witnessing and suffering death for the truth. Even then, you find many people who go to their death, being mislead and brainwashed into thinking that by killing themselves and others, they are raising the banner of truth?
You see, human beings have an uncanny affinity to color the truth in their own image, to fit their plans and schemes.
Everyone likes to think that he or she wants to tell the truth, and to hear the truth. Yet the same people who advocate the truth, will conveniently run around it, evade it, shred it or even deny it altogether if that would seem to get them where they want to go. Whether in the courthouse, politics or romance, at school or at the work place, and even at the playground and at the kitchen…the same principle applies. Does anyone think…consequences? As it happens, camouflaging, denying or tinkering with the truth in any way always has consequences…and by way of facts and evidence…the truth always comes up regardless of the odds against it. It may be delayed, hidden for a while or adamantly rebuffed…but it always has a way of showing up when it is least expected. The more ravenous the attempts to bury the truth are, the more devastating its subsequent reemergence becomes. In the meantime, thousands may lose their lives, their livelihood or their loved ones… and much more, while others seem to gain power, influence and glory for a while. Whether one person is hurt or a whole nation is dispersed, the most powerful fact of all is that the truth will come up…and thereby shape the events of history and create what is to be the future. It is regrettable that there are too many Pilates and Caiaphas in the world in every generation. They represent a huge chunk of humanity. Even those who are staunch advocates of the truth have their share of misrepresenting the truth they are defending, or ‘given the benefit of the doubt’ they simply misunderstand it.

The real truth had revealed itself to humanity in the person of the Son Of God. He put it clearly and simply “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Why do we fail to see that…? Or are we just trying to pretend that we cannot see it? Why are people debating and wondering and trying to find any flimsy excuse to…deny that glaring truth? And of those who see and believe…why in the world cannot they agree on how to …adhere to the truth…? Now, after all this elaborate discussion can you answer those questions we started with? Do you like to tell the truth…? Do you like to hear the truth…? Is there any time when you would be afraid of the truth? Oh, by the way…There is one last fact you need to remember, and that is… no matter what you think about the truth, the truth exists. Completely irrespective to anybody’s representation or misrepresentation, it is unshakable, unchangeable and inescapable…above all…it is eternal.