If you ride a cloud and fly over the sea, you can watch the colossal whales climb up the waves to breathe in their majestic show of force. You can see the playful dolphins dance around care free. And you can see the ferocious sharks relentlessly chase their live food without failure.
But clouds do not stand still. They keep on moving where the wind blows.
Now you may find yourself flying over a lush meadow with antelope grazing lazily, or a forest with lots of squirrels and an endless number of happy insects over, under and all around the trees.
Fly over the desert, and your ride may be endangered by the blazing sun.
Well, fly over a mountain, what would you see?
The glacial caps glistening in the sun are really a scene to behold. Some rough peaks are jotting up through the snow and ice defiantly. You shall be flying with the eagles in a domain of beauty untouched by a human eye. A little further down the slopes, as the temperature gets warmer, the melting snow, mixes with the pure life giving water springing out of the rocks and flowing freely through the crevices and crevasses. It looks so beautiful and magnificent. Yet, you know it has the power to melt and erode the rocks themselves. Nothing can impede its flow. By the time it reaches the foot of the mountain, it becomes more like a regal waterfall, creating a clear gorgeous stream which starts to meander through the land giving life and satisfaction to every thirsty creature. Mind you, your cloud did not contribute to any of this splendor. Just keep flying and watch in awe. High clouds do not produce rain. They are too bright, just like a far fetched dream which never comes true. Low clouds are dark and ugly. Yet they can flood the world with their tears. They collide and light up in lightening sparks. They make lots of noise and their rumblings throw fear in hearts. Surprisingly, we love the high beautiful and impotent clouds, and deride the low, ugly and life giving ones. We drink the water, wash in the rain and then look for shelter and wait for the storm to subside. Who had ever lived through a storm and wondered, “What a beautiful storm!!” except probably a thirsty creature living in a parched land. Creatures living around the spring of splendor never worry or fear. The spring will give its water to the lion and to the lamb. It will help a fish survive, a beaver dive and build a dam, or a swan swim elegantly around while the precious waters help the whole valley grow lush and green.
Now you might ask, who I might be.. and why do I envy the spring and the stream??
Well.. I am only a dirty muddy pool of stagnant water infested with all kinds of malady laden bugs. Yes, my surface reflects the face of the sun, but it hides perils within. I wish I had an outlet to empty all these woes I carry and a way to wash away my sorrows and refill myself with life. How does it feel, when you have to say to everyone coming close, “stay away from me… or come close at your own risk?” Oh such pain…Such awful pain.
See, I have to wait.. why, my only hope is a real mighty storm!!