Whenever you see anything advertised as FREE, keep in mind, this is the most expensive item in the menu..
Free means all the work done to create that particular item is given away .. did you ask why?
Charity has nothing to do with this.. it simply means this comes with a hidden price..
A software given free.. with lots of spyware
A free help from a “friend” with a plan to collect at a later time ..
A free month of subscription to a service charging exorbitant fees later on..
Free government service or product, for which you shall pay through the nose in extremely high taxes, while the said service or product would be directed to a targeted special interest segment of society which was exempted from those same taxes..
I know a certain good lady who loved animals so much and was ecstatic to be offered a free screen saver for her computer with endless pictures of beautiful animals. After a few days of the FREE installation on her business computer, all her accounts disappeared and she had no access to her money… she went berserk, and she wouldn’t believe it when I told her that the screen saver must go first, before the computer could be restored.
We all know what happened when a government health care program was promising everyone to have whatever health insurance plan they wanted guaranteed by the government… with minimal cost where some people would also get free services … well, as an example, that said program made it mandatory for a 65 years old man to pay for birth control items as well as the cost of abortions on demand by reckless teenager girls and the benefits were targeted to fund an organization getting rich by trading in babies organs… at the same time, that same old man would be given an aspirin as treatment for his heart disease and told he would not be worth the expense of an open heart surgery to save his life. Before you fall head over heels for a “free” offer from anywhere.. remember… only God can offer you anything free.. after all, God does not need anything from you… and He is rich enough to create anything he wants without your help.